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New Peterloo Website to Re-launch

Having spent the previous 18 months researching collecting and gathering information for my website 'Beyond Peterloo' I launched it in July this year as a 'subscription only' addition to the main 'All Things Considered' site.

I was hopeful that people would want to take advantage of the content of this site and use it as an ongoing, evolving 'one-stop shop' for all aspects of information regarding The Peterloo Massacre. I priced the subscription to cost no more for one year than the price of a hard backed book but I now think, having listened to feedback, that this was a little ambitious.

I have decided, therefore, to reduce the price. Instead of buying a subscription for 3, 6 or twelve months there will now be a one-off purchase for unlimited access to the site with no renewal for just £9.99.

I hope this is more acceptable and that people will now feel that the small investment is worth their while.

The new rates will apply from November 16th which will give me time to add a few new pieces of content and alter the payment page. Please call back after 16th to sign up.

N.B. If any of the people who have already purchased a subscription wish to contact me I will arrange a refund of the difference between their membership and the new subscription price.

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