It will come as no surprise that in the coming 18 months or so, there will be a large number of events, exhibitions, documentaries, films, music and books produced as we approach the bicentenary of Peterloo.
My own contribution to this canon of work will be a self-published volume entitled 'BEYOND PETERLOO'
It will take the form of a guide to the memorials, records and living tributes to those who died, including;
- sites of graves and monuments.
- permanent exhibitions.
- locations associated with the main characters involved in the events.
- links to further reading opportunities.
- where to find merchandise and memorabilia.
- information regarding events.
- links to websites.
The final scope of the book has still to be finalised, but it will be a substantial and, I hope, comprehensive gazeteer-cum-encyclopedia of all things related to Peterloo.
I intend to fund the production of the book using the traditional method of Patronage and I will shortly be publishing details on this website, of how prospective patrons can become involved.
Initially, however, if you wish to register your interest IN PRINCIPLE at this stage simply go to the comments section of the website and send me a message.
More details to follow - Martin Gittins.