On The Map
The new, and already acclaimed as 'iconic' Peterloo Massacre Map will be taking it's place alongside Paul Fitzgerald's Mural in the newly-refurbished Sir Ralph Abercromby Pub in Manchester, next Friday. (No need to book, just turn up)
The pub, along with the wall of The friends' Meeting House, is the last remaining link with the events of Peterloo.
Pub owner Mike Christodoulou has dedicated an entire wall of the main bar to this huge commemorative display. At 6pm on Friday 17th November, there will be a small ceremony to officially unveil the mural and map, and this will be followed by a short extract from 'Soldiers On The Rampage' by The Free Radicals. Replica Banners will be on display and Peterloo tee-shirts, caps and Map Posters will be available to purchase.
Mike Christodoulou has also said that he wants to stage an annual commemoration of Peterloo around the anniversary on 19th August each year. He expects this to take the form of a street festival outside the pub on Bootle Street.
More news of this as it becomes available.