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In the Footsteps of Radicals

PETERLOO MARCHES 2018. The Annual Peterloo Marches will be taking place this year on Sunday 19th August.

Each march has a carefully planned route and is timed to cater for all levels of fitness.

These marches are self-stewarding and anyone taking part is asked to take great care when walking along busy roads, and particularly at junctions.

If there is no route already planned for a starting point you wish to use, please get in touch and discuss the options (which may include creating a new route, if time allows before the event.

N.B. There is no pressure to complete a full walk! There are regular pick-up and meeting points along all the routes to make it easy to select a stretch that you can manage.

Finally, if you aren't the walking type, or you are unable, due to health reasons, do not feel left out, simply get to Manchester by whatever means you can - skateboard, mobility scooter, bike, canal boat, whatever - just get there for the commemoration which takes place from 1pm on the forecourt of Manchester Central (formerly GMex - formerly Central Station)

Full details of the route, (and additional ‘pick-up’ points, where people can join the march if they are unable to walk the full distance) can be obtained by going to, clicking on the ‘Peterloo Map’ on the home page OR Peterloo Marches from the menu, and then CLICK ON THE LINK TO SEE THE ROUTES ALREADY PLANNED. Alternatively, email and a copy of the route will be emailed to you. Further details from Martin Gittins 07760 430 577.

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